Day 9Shediac, NB to Pictou, NS(Prince Edward Island) |
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I followed my proposed route as far as Fort Amhurst. I loved the views there so much, I lingered. A trip to the northern part of the island could have made me late for the PEI/NS ferry, so I headed straight for Panmure Island before driving to the ferry. |
So here it is... the famous Confederation Bridge! |
You can't see most cars cross the bridge (the sides are too high) but you can see the tops of trucks. |
12.9 kilometres makes it the largest bridge "over ice-covered water". So it's not the longest bridge (in my estimation). I wonder what is. |
Had to get a snap of me and the something that is actually larger than me! |
There wasn't a lot of traffic OR wind but there was a bit of construction on the bridge. It didn't take long to get across then I ended up in Borden-Carleton which seems to be a recently added (because of the bridge) tourist shopping haven. |
Pretty though. |
I turned west (left) almost right away and followed the road that would take me to Summerside. It didn't take long before I was in awe of the scenery. |
I didn't even realize that from this spot I'd see a view of the bridge until I'd gotten off my bike. |
Also at this "bend in the road", there was a lovely church... |
... and a farmer's field (comlete with horses that disappeared as soon as I raised my camera). |
I drove on to Summerside Harbour. |
Cozily docked there was a Coast Guard boat. |
Along the docks, a pretty shopping area was built up. |
I loved the pretty colours of the buildings. |
Upon finding a parking space near the shops, I HAD to visit them to see if what was in them was as good as the setting. |
One store was dedicated to selling hammocks. A customer was busy testing this one out. |
The business I got a kick out of was the "PEI Dirt" store. Their clothing was all certified to have been dyed by Prince Edward Island dirt. |
A view from one of the stores on the docks towards the parking lot in which I was parked and another "land based" shopping area. |
After leaving Summerside, I went through Kensington then up towards Cabot Beach Park. Before arriving at the park, I stopped on the roadside to capture this and the next image. |
Lovely! |
Just short of the park entrance was a recreational/boating area. |
There was a lighthouse next to the park's beach. I would imagine it was more for show than actually functional in any way. |
The beach had red sand!! Many people were taking advantage of the lovely day. |
Plants obviously like the iron-rich soil. |
Upon leaving the park, there were other beautiful views... |
... blue water, red soil, green grass... |
As I drove, there was actually a road sign which read something like: "another turn, another great PEI view". |
Instead of following my GPS, I took a road which hugged the Gulf of St. Lawrence. |
That way, I saw a lot of very colourful views of a very pretty province. |
Take away the sea and you could be in a lot of places... |
... for instance... |
... but put this together... |
... with this... |
... and especially this, and you feel sublime. |
This bridge spans the Southwest River towards New London. |
I believe this is at Stanley Bridge. |
A little causeway leading from the middle of that bridge led to a lobster fisherman's shack. |
Another view. |
Still from the same area. That's what was really cool about taking pictures on PEI... don't like the view from this direction? Turn around!! |
Barely up the road from there, a cosy place to call home! |
I soon arrive at Prince Edward Island National Park. |
Lush vegetation covering... |
... large reddish-gold sand dunes... |
... and people taking advantage of the good weather! |
In every direction, another photo opportunity! |
I headed back out to the main road to reach the other part of the National Park. Along the way I came to "Green Gables". |
A lot of work has been put into this fairy tale-type setting. |
You could see many people thoroughly enjoying their surroundings. |
I arrived at the other half of PEI National Park. |
Here the beaches were redder and more rugged. |
The views along the beach road were stunning. |
Look how ABSOLUTELY red the rocks and soil are! |
I took all of these pictures from the same spot. |
The spot might very well be my favourite one on the island. |
Every time I turned and looked, there was something else to take a picture of. |
Across the road from that spot, someone gets to enjoy the view every day. Lucky person!! |
I met a couple from the States who had driven their van to PEI and were picking different areas to cycle (and sightsee) every day. |
A little further up the road, I saw a few unusual boats... |
... and more fabulous views. |
The colours of the buildings suit their surroundings. |
Do you see the rowboat which has been "dry-docked" by the receding tide? |
Another fabulous view. |
One of my favourite pictures for all the colours... the buildings, the rocks and soil, the trees, the vegetation, the flowers, the ocean... WOW! |
I headed back inland towards (but not through) Charlottetown so that I could visit Fort Amhurst. Along the way I saw rolling farmland... |
... beautiful homesteads... |
... and the Canoe Cove School, which according to its sign was established in 1820! |
This inland area was absolutely beautiful. |
It didn't take too long to get to Fort Amhurst. Before entering the Historic Site, I took a picture just past its entrance of the paved road turning into a red gravel/dirt one. Neat! |
From this historic site, you get great views of Charlottetown Harbour. Several people were boating nearby, including this sailboat. |
Across the harbour, in the distance, you can see Charlottetown. |
The sailboat had made its way further into the Harbour. |
Another view of Charlottetown and of PEI's amazing red rocks. |
Dazzling! |
Looking out to sea. |
A little further inland are the remains of the foundations of the old fort. |
The mound you're looking at in the distance is its foundations. |
There were several lighthouses delineating several inland coves. |
You can see how the fort would have had an outstanding view of any ship or boat entering the harbour. |
This monument was dedicated to the Acadian settlers. |
I took a walk down this mowed path... |
... to discover the foundations of the oldest house on Prince Edward Island. |
While down there, I had a different view of the harbour... |
... of this lighthouse... |
... and of more "dry-docked" boats. I guess you have no choice but to use your boat to get right to shore then, when the tide goes out, the boat is stranded on dry land. |
It makes a pretty picture, regardless. |
I walked back up the hill on a different path, towards a different lighthouse. |
Before I left the fort, I read this memorial to Michel Hache Gallant and Anne Cormier. They were the first Acadian family to permanently settle in PEI and their ancestors erected the monument in 1965. |
It was already fairly late in the day so I headed directly for Panmure Island. Pictures of this area have always intrigued me so I had to see this part of the island for myself. |
Perhaps the lightkeeper lives in this house. I do know that the lighthouse is still active. |
In many pictures of Panmure, you see these horses. |
I can see why they are in so many pictures... they are very photogenic! |
A view from the lighthouse grounds of the causeway that leads you to the "Island" which is more like a peninsula. |
After a pleasant visit to Panmure Island, I headed straight for the Wood Islands/Caribou Ferry. I got there with about 10 or 15 minutes to spare but there wasn't enough time to take advantage of the lobster store right by its dock! |
Here we are pulling away from the dock. |
As you leave the dock, you get a great view of the lighthouse which marks the entry to the small harbour. |
A cozy little harbour, don't you think? |
Goodbye Prince Edward Island! I really enjoyed visiting your red shores! |