I was finally comfortable on the bike and now it was time to leave. Wouldn't you just know it? I picked up my bag from my hotel and drove with it to the dealership. One of the kazillion people at the dealership that afternoon took a picture of me on the bike.
 I bought a couple of souvenirs (a t-shirt and bag) inside the store then called for a cab.
 I waited outside and laughed at a particular "bumper" sticker.

| | Soon Alice, the yellow checker cabbie, arrived. She was a very nice lady who has often picked up riders from the airport to take to Alamo City or, like me, to take them back to the airport.
I didn't have much of a wait at the airport but I still managed a quick snack and quicker perusal of the souvenir shop. (Already had souvenirs but it's still fun to look.) I'm glad I did because I saw this silly trinket and although I didn't buy it, I think it pretty well sums up the reason for my trip, especially when you take a look at what I arrived to Sunday morning in Winnipeg (Assiniboine Park) after an overnight stay in Chicago.
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