Did I mention that my hotel was right on a "crazy intersection" of two interstate highways? And did I also mention that my hotel was in the "porn district"? Evidently, while not being a "bad" part of town, adult video stores are common along this strip. Hahahahaha!

 I passed several adult video stores on my hike to Alamo City Harley Davidson (about 2 km) and there wasn't a lot of "neat" scenery but I sure loved this billboard (below):

| | I had left my hotel early enough to arrive before the Harley place officially opened since Anna (pronounced "On-na") had told me the day before that she'd be there early anyways and she would be happy to get me going at least a little earlier than 10:00 a.m. I was glad to see the Harley sign in the distance and finally the BRIGHT orange building because my adventure would soon begin.

 As promised, Anna was there to get me going as soon as possible. I signed a bunch of papers and got fitted for a helmet. When I went outside with Anna to get the bike, Kevin was there waiting. Part of the rental procedure is getting used to the bike in a cul de sac behind the dealership. Good idea, too... The 2004 Sportster was VERY top heavy and putting my feet out on pegs that were in front of my body instead of underneath was something that took a while to get used to.
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