It's really neat to look at what buildings are made of in different areas of the country. The gas station that we stopped at next was built with timbers and stones lined up in between.
 Here's a view back along the road we were on.
This beautiful home (below) was across the road from the entrance to Lost Maples Park.
 Here's a picture of me and the Harley Sportster in front of Lost Maples Park.
I got the biggest kick out of this! Here's a drive through convenience/liquor store!

| | The store also had a Laundromat which I thought was quite colourful!
 We got back into San Antonio as the sun was lowering in the sky. Here's the route (I think) we followed:
 We ended up at Kevin's apartment. Across the street from the complex was a large empty field where Kevin said deer visited each morning.

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